Waldkliniken Eisenberg — Children’s Orthopaedics 7 Jahre Erfahrung

Top medi­ci­ne and the qua­li­ty of stay of a star hotel for pati­ents of all health insu­ran­ces: Wel­co­me to the beau­tiful natu­re of Thu­rin­gia, to the out­stan­ding archi­tec­tu­re by Matteo Thun and to “Germany’s best hos­pi­tal”, accor­ding to the F.A.Z. Institute.

As ortho­pe­dic experts with an inter­na­tio­nal repu­ta­ti­on and a long tra­di­ti­on in endo­pro­sthe­tics, we help and heal pati­ents from Thu­rin­gia, Ger­ma­ny and all over the world. We assu­me respon­si­bi­li­ty for the peo­p­le in the regi­on as a health­ca­re pro­vi­der and the lar­gest employer. 

With our new buil­ding and inno­va­ti­ve care con­cepts, we are set­ting the gold stan­dard for hos­pi­ta­li­ty in the hos­pi­tal sec­tor. The gre­at satis­fac­tion and high esteem of our pati­ents is more important to us than the num­e­rous awards and the gre­at media coverage. 

The German Center for Orthopedics

Sin­ce 2018, the ortho­pe­dic cli­nic of the Wald­kli­ni­ken has been cal­led the “Ger­man Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics at the Wald­kli­ni­ken Eisen­berg” (DZO).

This name reflects the demands of the experts in this cli­nic as well as the qua­li­ty of the medi­cal ser­vices: We are a “Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics for Ger­ma­ny” at the Waldkliniken.

The DZO is a maxi­mum care ortho­pe­dic cli­nic. The chief phy­si­ci­an of the Ger­man Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics, Univ.-Prof. dr Georg Mat­zio­lis is also the medi­cal direc­tor of the Wald­kli­ni­ken Eisenberg.

In the knee, hip, spi­ne, hand and foot, sports/shoulder and pedia­tric ortho­pe­dics depart­ments, the experts offer the enti­re spec­trum of out­pa­ti­ent and inpa­ti­ent ser­vices as well as con­ser­va­ti­ve and sur­gi­cal therapy.

With the pro­fes­sor­ship for ortho­pe­dics in the medi­cal facul­ty of the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­si­ty Jena, the cli­nic is the only uni­ver­si­ty ortho­pe­dic depart­ment in Thu­rin­gia and has its fin­ger on the pul­se of rese­arch. Sci­ence, tea­ching and the hig­hest level of evi­dence-based medi­cal care are thus united under one roof.

Department of Pediatric Orthopaedics

Many child­ren alre­a­dy suf­fer from ortho­pe­dic dise­a­ses. Our litt­le pati­ents are main­ly con­cer­ned with the are­as of the hips, feet and spine. 

Here we help with tar­ge­ted phy­sio­the­ra­py and the use of ortho­pe­dic aids such as cor­sets or splints. In addi­ti­on, we often use com­plex and indi­vi­du­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red aids from our ortho­pe­dic tech­no­lo­gy for children.

Your child­ren are in the best of hands with us: our pedia­tric ortho­pe­dic spe­cia­lists have pro­ven exper­ti­se and many years of expe­ri­ence in this field.

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